

Our Mission:

“The Concordia College Art Collection is an educational and cultural component of the College. It includes significant and valuable works that reflect a variety of artistic creativity and in part the College’s Norwegian heritage and location in the Upper Midwest.”

Welcome to the Concordia College Art Collection! We seek to fulfill our mission with pieces and works from artists that represent our Norwegian and Upper Midwestern heritage. Some of our pieces feature local artists, like Duane Mickelson and Fritz Scholder, and our local area, the Red River Valley. Our collection is growing with our purchases and donations to our collection. Works from students, faculty, and notable artists of the Midwest make up our collection and you can learn more about these artists as we create exhibitions of their works. Pieces from our collection can be found all over our campus and we even include a walking tour of some of our 3D works on this website. Our goal is make our art collection accessible and interactive so that you can view and explore both on our site and physically in person on our tour.


This site was created by Kaitlin Molden ’20, Mallory Nermoe ’19, Blake Scheib ’20, and Chelsea Steffes ’19 for Doing Digital History taught by Dr. Joy Lintelman in Spring 2018.

It is currently maintained by Kaitlin Molden ’20 and Blake Scheib '20.