Browse Items (381 total)

The bottom of the piece is mostly hot pink. The rest of it is mostly yellow, with the top right corner being blue. The white figure has a hump on its back, long legs, short arms, and one eye. One of its leg is extended in a 90 degree angle, almost as…

The top of the background is a purpley color, nearly pink. The bottom section is mostly blue. A gray elephant-like shape comes up from the bottom of the page. Next to it is a peach-colored figure, whose torso is very small and whose face is…

The top of the background is a purpley color, nearly pink. The bottom section is mostly blue. A gray elephant-like shape comes up from the bottom of the page. Next to it is a peach-colored figure, whose torso is very small and whose face is…

A reddish barrel-thing floats at the top right hand corner. Rounded hexagonal shapes form a pattern packed together at the bottom left corner. The background looks like an ill kempt gravel and stone yard with grass growing in-between cracks. A gray…

There are four black figures, like shadows, only they are not positioned in a way that could make them shadows of the colored creatures. The bottom creature is darker and more purpley than the other creature. Its legs are in butterfly position, feel…

The white figure has a long torso and a giraffe neck with human legs and feet without enough toes. To the right of it is a figure that goes from dark pink to lighter pink with a bit of white. It appears to be playing a flute or sipping a straw. The…

The green-blue creature on the left doesn't seem to have facial features, while the one on the right has eyes on a horizontal stalk that comes off the neck in a right angle that bends away from the body in another right angle. His smile hangs below…

A pink person-thing with no head and too many arms leans backwards with legs partially tucked. To its right is a pink and white frog-thing. Below them is another pink and white creature. To the left of that is a grayish-yellow blob.

The art object is an intaglio print of abstracted biomorphic figures. The background of the piece is comprised of black splotches of ink. In a pyramidic shape is a cluster of three figures, each abstrated in varying degrees based on their line…

This is a painting in portrait orientation. This piece depicts two figures in the middle of the frame. One figure's head is directly in the center of the image and it appears to be closer than the other figure who is above her and slightly in the…
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